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Alaska Repeater Information

Page 3 of 5
Region Location Output frequency Input frequency PL tone DCS tone Callsign


Sponsor This info was last updated
North Slope Nome Anvil Mtn 147.15 144.55 KL0EF o l a E-Sun Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009
North Slope Nome Downtown 147.36 147.96 103.5 KL7RAM o t e Ragchew Amateur Magic, Inc 5/8/2016
North Slope Nome Skookum 147.27 144.57 KL0EF o l a E-Sun Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009
North Slope Nome Skookum Tac 145.11 147.81 100 KL0EF o l E-Sun Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009
North Slope Nome Goldengate 147.21 144.51 KL0EF o l a E-Sun Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009
North Slope Nome Sinuk Mtn 145 145 100 KL0EF o l t E-Sun Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009
South Central Anchorage 146.94 146.34 103.5 KL7AA o e x ANCHORAGE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB 10/21/2024
South Central Cordova 146.94 146.34 100 WL7CXF o e s Cordova Amateur Radio Club 1/15/2024
South Central Anchorage 147.3 147.9 141.3 KL7AA o e s x Anchorage Amateur Radio Club (AARC) 10/21/2024
South Central Anchorage 224.94 223.34 100 KL7AA o e Anchorage Amateur Radio Club 10/3/2024
South Central Anchorage 444.7 449.7 103.5 KL7AA o e Anchorage Amateur Radio Club 10/3/2024
South Central Valdez 146.76 146.16 100 WL7CVV o e Valdez Amateur Radio Emergeny Services 11/3/2022
South Central Seward 147.12 147.72 100 NL7E o t Seward Amateur Radio Club, KL7SWD 5/11/2020
South Central Wasilla 146.85 146.25 103.5 KL7JFU o t TT e s MARA 11/3/2022
South Central Wasilla 147 147.6 WL7CWI o e D Alaska Dstar group 11/8/2022

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