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Alaska Repeater Information

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Region Location Output frequency Input frequency PL tone DCS tone Callsign


Sponsor This info was last updated
Interior Fairbanks 444.6 449.6 103.5 KL2AV o l t x Brian Corty 12/28/2015
Interior Galena 146.79 146.19 103.5 AL2J o TT R Justin Huber 12/17/2013
Interior Nenana 449.65 444.65 103.5 WL7BDO o Carl Horn WL7BDO 12/6/2024
Interior Fairbanks 147.3 147.9 103.5 KL7EDK o e Jerry Curry KL7EDK 11/12/2020
Interior North Pole 145.45 144.85 103.5 AL6F o e E-Sun s Harry Lind 12/7/2024
Interior Delta Junction 444.6 449.6 103.5 KL2AV o l e E-Wind Brian Corty KL2AV 4/30/2014
Interior Tok 146.94 146.34 103.5 KL1KG o t e s David Frederick 3/29/2017
Interior Delta Junction 444.7 444.7 KL2AV o l TT e D Brian Corty 2/21/2023
Interior Delta Junction 147.03 147.63 103.5 KL7DRC o E-Wind Delta Amateur Radio Club 12/13/2024
North Slope Teller 146.73 147.93 103.5 KL7RAM o t Ragchew Amateur Magic, Inc 5/8/2016
North Slope Unalakleet 444.9 449.9 103.5 KL7RAM o t a e Ragchew Amateur Magic, Inc 5/8/2016
North Slope Kuparuk 146.85 146.25 103.5 AL7CW o t Kuparuk Amateur Radio Club 4/8/2006
North Slope Nome 144.64 147.99 103.5 AL7X o Ramon Gandia, AL7X 5/8/2016
North Slope Nome 442 447 KL0EF o a e Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009
North Slope Nome Metro 146.94 146.34 KL0EF o l a e Seward Peninsula Amateur Radio Club 12/2/2009

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